1962 Fender Jazzmaster

By Bayo :
Techniques used similar to XIII
Made with a process called posterization
which enhances the edges of the guitar
giving it a more cartoony look without losing
any detail, you also have a level of Black and white
conversion and grayscale adjustment - not as easy as you think,
take my word for it !!!
The Fender Jazzmaster upon it's introduction in the 50's was supposed to take
over Fender's Flagship position from the Stratocaster. With a New Balanced
Body and more cooperative bridge, Fender's intention was to reach a
more broad spectrum of musicians that aimed for a more Jazzy tone ( Less Twang ).
unfortunately the guitar's odd appearance and Bridge Reliability, caused an early
cop out from the musician's that where originally intended to adopt the guitar.
Destiny would have it that no '' Jazz Master's '' would ever use a Jazzmaster sticking to P-90 or Gibson PAF oriented instruments, also to Leo's amazement nothing he'd come up with in the following years would dephase the Stratocaster.
The Jazzmaster was kept on and off the line, untill it slowly faded out of the main stream.
Bring in the late 70's and early 80's with punk bands battling with sub standard CBS quality Strats, and expensive 60's Model Strats, the early 60's Jazzmaster and Jaguar models where an easy fit. The Jazzmaster was quite clearly built by Leo to be a superior guitar to the Strat and the sub standard guitar method employed by a quantity of Punk Artists often gave them the tone they looked for sparing them the constant fiddling a Stratocaster required.
Bands Like Sonic Youth found in the instrument an easy companion to experimental projects, finding in it a smooth neck that Fender priviliged in the 60's and a slew of switches and gimmicks that gave a uniqueness to their sound.
Eventually the Jazzmaster was consdered by Fender to be a '' Specialty '' instrument as it was quite clear that it's original intent as a '' Jazz guitar '' would never be achieved, Nevertheless demand has never really tapered for the instrument and is more or less constant.
Pros : Excellent rythm guitar with great versatility
Cons : Clumsy arrangment for some of the switches, bridge reliability, no real artist endorsement
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