The Birds

An unforgiving october morning
Where grey and black
take me back
In a cautious shiver
The Branches dispell the silence
In a never ending fallacy
Where Colour has left
And the rumour of snow
is just a humid scent
Here where dead leaves grow
and trees are plagiates
Here the windy beaches
have never shored
Here is the home of sorrow
where old women visit the forgotten
To pay an homage to another life
many many years ago
A life that roams old amber photos
and creaks old floors
awaiting to be reunited
with the birds that flew another sky
in another time
Was it all those years ago
Maybe just yesterday
we were on the docks of St. Malo
and I was reading a requiem of poetry to you
While the sky adorned your shoulders
and the white sails that skimmed the water
danced with your Ribbon dress
Tell me love
do Paramé Beaches
still breathe of summer's bliss
And Why are you so alone
They say the Birds
Are like Sadness
They do not stay
Where they're unwanted
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed the poetry. (Though I couldn't read the other in the foreign language.) You can say so much with so few words! Thankyou for sharing.
At 8:24 PM,
Oren Weizman said…
Well the foreign language is my native '' French ''
I'm glad you liked it ! loved your stuff too !
At 10:21 PM,
Rich said…
Thanks for the comment.
My blog is where I leave the door open and let the closet air out. It was getting awfully stuffy in there.
Your poetry is beautiful - I wish I could undertsnd French.
At 3:40 PM,
Oren Weizman said…
Thank you guys for the comments : Micheller, thank you very much for the feedback ! and I appreciate the link !
Rich ! haha ! well encountering stuffiness is the price we pay for being stuck in our own depths .. well I guess !
Thank you folks for the kind words !
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