The Saint Symphonic Streets

Where are we now ?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I Tried !

I tried imagining
what it was like

not to love you

I held my breathe

As long as I could

All the time thinking

if air is love
and the wind blows hard

I can stand still long enough
But I just couldn't

Then someone told me

Love is a fire

so I turned off the light
and stood in the dark

closed my eyes
Thinking hard about
how cold it felt

only to bump my toe
and get angry at furniture

Than I heard love is a word
So I tried not to speak

And in the silent depths of perception
I was at loss for words

Until you asked me if I still loved you
and I said yes

Others say Love is a touch

So I stayed as far away from you
as I could
but then got stuck in the bus
and everyone was touching me

Of course love is obviously a smile

So not a grin escaped from me

until a child told me to take it in my hands
and smiled

what else could I do

So If without love

I can't breathe,
I can't see
I can't speak,
I can't touch
I can't smile

How can I even live without you ?

Friday, April 21, 2006

Look Across Eternity ( Coming Soon )

Follow Her To The Stars / Part 2

Was it all a dream
we should have followed through

And the stars beneath us
are vanishing
we're travelling so fast

And the wind cries so hard
as we sail across the stratosphere

where I hear her voice
Telling me to have no fear

Sit down and focus
we'll all get throuth this

And even though eternity
is against us

Hope is gathering

Through the Dreams
that conquer through

And the seams
that undress you

Looking away
in all directions

and falling prey
to her dellections

Oh I've always promised to
come to something new

And once we get there
and rest, and think of home

We'll stay together
like we'd thought we'd always known

And try not to sneeze at
the Stardust in the air

No Matter near or far
I'll Follow her to the stars

No Matter near or far
I'll Follow her to the stars

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Un Moment

Le matin avant de te reveiller
Avant meme de t'enlasser

je passe un moment couchée

Hypnotisée a regarder le mur
platre blanc refroidi et dur

voile de reves ternis et purs

Puis alors que le soileil s'inscrit
dans un ciel encore noirci

Je regarde passer les nuages d'Avril
sans cligner un cil

en revant d'une nuit d'amour
qui ne fait que commencer

Ne m'en veut pas

Si tu veut m'enlever
le droit de t'aimer

Pourquoi m'en vouloir

si on dit qu'une femme
n'est qu'une femme

qu'on est si proches
de nos péchés

qu'on souffrira
toutes nos vies

Pourquoi nous en vouloir

d'etre coquines
si on passe nos vies a soufrir

si on veut connaitre
l'amour le plus tendre

le plus fort
et le plus doux

Alors ne m'en veut plus

si je cherche a te voler
a t'arracher l'attention

a me faire sensible

pour que tes doigts glacés
se posent sur mes hanches

pour que tes levres
se posent sur mon cou

Sans m'en vouloir trop
me donner ce que je veut

Avec tout l'amour du monde


The Valleys that line
our souls

with ravines of quiet depth
peaks of perception

And oceans of knowledge

Some souls are lost in valleys
of never ending storms

Where lightning Scars the sky
and rain batters the ground

Making it scramble for shelter

The Soul finds a dry cave
And stays there, losing itself
in it's cold tunnels

Never knowing when to go back
or walk deeper to the core
in complete darkness

Where the valley's wetness
is replaced by calignosity

while the storm takes control

Other souls wander in a valley of doubt
where neither sun nor rain

surround it, and it wanders never fully

yet all souls find the sun one day

or wither away

Above the clouds
where the sky is clear

and space meshes in the atmosphere
where God's Echoes are heard

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Beast - Celina Ruggiero ( Coming Soon )

La Douche - Par Elza Wagner

L'eau tombe glacial
Agresse mon visage

Ferme mes yeux
Attaque mon cou

tombe sur mes cheveux noirs

Et tout doucement s'adoucit
et prend de la chaleur

caresse mes épaules
enrobe mes doigts

Chaque goutellete tombe
jalousement précipitament

sur mon ventre
sans jamais s'asseoir

pour envelloper mon corps
pour envelloper mes torts

Me faire oublier tes doigts

Ell tombe sans arret
sans rien laver

pour m'effacer
me dilluer

sans y arriver

The Paper Trail Exits - Elza Wagner

Cubicles line the sterile walls
herded people await your fall

Office doors that penetrate
the soul less calls to deviate

And make it a different hue

Letters, Ledgers print machines
they all transcribe into color screens

Deadlines staring down at me
and corporate insecurity

Ring Ring Ring goes the telephone
wheres the door that gets me home

Ding Ding Ding that's door bell's ring
to make some sense out of everything

I'm falling
I'm falling on my own
I'm falling
I'm falling on my own

I wish I'd find a way
to get out of this mess

I'll wake up one day
and find
The Paper Trail Exits


A traverser tout ce qui se pose
sur ton chemin
ca ne sert a rien

A croire a tout ce que tu propose
pour faire du bien
ca ne sert a rien

A oublier d'en faire quelquechose
qu'est qui te retiens
ca n'sert a rien

Pretendre qu'on voit la vie en rose
si tu te souviens
de s'qui s'en vient

Et Avant que le vent se leve
Avant que le monde se releve
on vit nos petites vie anyways

Et Avant que mon coeur se prend
avant que l'amour se reprenne
on a bientot fini anyways

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Warm Wind, and nowhere to go

Friday, April 07, 2006

Elle Danse

Ils disent qu'il faut une note

mais c'Est le silence qui l'accompagne
sans faire acune faute

elle s'envole sur le bout des pieds
Elle Danse meme quand il pleut

A Travers un monde
d'orages et de nuages

Elle Danse pour tout faire mieux
en oubliant les cieux

Oubliant les regards qui se posent
sur eux

Elle Pleure

Elle danse le coeur brisé
Pour éssayer de s'oublier

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Birds

A bird Flew in the sky today
An unforgiving october morning

Where grey and black
take me back

In a cautious shiver
The Branches dispell the silence

In a never ending fallacy
Where Colour has left

And the rumour of snow
is just a humid scent

Here where dead leaves grow
and trees are plagiates

Here the windy beaches
have never shored

Here is the home of sorrow
where old women visit the forgotten

To pay an homage to another life
many many years ago

A life that roams old amber photos
and creaks old floors

awaiting to be reunited

with the birds that flew another sky
in another time

Was it all those years ago
Maybe just yesterday

we were on the docks of St. Malo
and I was reading a requiem of poetry to you

While the sky adorned your shoulders
and the white sails that skimmed the water
danced with your Ribbon dress

Tell me love
do Paramé Beaches
still breathe of summer's bliss

And Why are you so alone

They say the Birds
Are like Sadness

They do not stay
Where they're unwanted

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Civil Noise ( Coming Soon )

Monday, April 03, 2006

TV Show

The noises never indicate
Directions or the way the went

The Scripts they want to sindicate
Would never be so intricate

It Lingers on a TV show
with answers that you've always known

You've always known

You've Always Known

Come Back Home
Come Back Home

Cause I see more bullets
than birds in the sky